
A New Era Has Began

 The Age of Aquarius - Self-actualisation The gregorian calendar new year has began, it is January and most have promised themselves a new beginning. From my observation most people are beginning the journey of self-love and self acceptance. I have been going through this journey from 2022, and honestly it is quite difficult to execute in interpersonal relations. In theory I know self-love is cultivating a sense of authenticity within your environment, practicing healthy boundaries and choosing the right decisions for self even against societal standards. In practicality it is very difficult to practice self-love. When you are honest about your feelings, it agitates other people. For example, I told my partner that I hate his mother because of the physical and verbal abuse she inflicted on me, I guess it was insensitive to say that to him because after all I am showing disdain for the person who gave birth to him, in my defense he asked for honesty, and it was too hard for him to hear

The After Effects Of Too Much Alcohol In The System And Tips To Avoid A Hangover

 How Alcohol can be toxic in the body Studies say that small amounts of alcohol is good for you, but these studies are inconsistent because the body naturally makes the alcohol in our gastrointestinal tract with the help of fungi from sugars (carbohydrates) in the body which is scientifically a  by-product of carbohydrate metabolism . When engaging in 'party drinking', the alcohol after consumption is sent to the liver. In the liver the alcohol is going to find an enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase and this enzyme reacts with the alcohol and converts it acetaldehyde . Acetaldehyde is more toxic than the alcohol (ethanol) itself, in very high amounts it is poisoning and might kill you. Luckily the liver also produces an enzyme that converts the acetaldehyde  to acetate , and the body detoxifies (the alcohol leaves your system). Acetate is eliminated in the body through a process called oxidation , where the acetate is broken down into water and carbon dioxide. Excess acetate

Sex is a biological right that all people should experience without bias 18+

 Sex is passion and should not be shamed due to religious ideologies We all reach an age when we are ready to experience the pleasures of sexual intercourse, but most of us grew up in religious homes that encouraged or enforced virginity (if female) and celibacy (if male). These constraints due to patriarchal norms are less strict on males and give them the free pass to "act as they wish" without shame, unlike with females who would be shamed or even shunned by their families or communities. I cannot even mention the traumatic sexual experiences females go through that either makes them hypersexual or afraid of engaging in intimacy or intercourse. I am not disregarding that males experience sexual trauma but statistically females are more prone to experience the sexual assault and harassment, leading to trauma response behaviours and habits. Commonly many perpetrators are people the victims are familiar with like close family or supposed friends which may create the cycle to

Our Parents Need Therapy

 Our Parents Need Therapy The generational trauma keeps recycling, Millenials and Gen Z are not going to tolerate the bullshit, we are not going to allow the emotional, mental, environmental and economic abuse that our parents and 'grandparents suffered through. No, we are not! Many of us are seeking therapy, some not because of being in physically abusive households but our parents parenting styles are/were not as nurturing they were either authoritarian or uninvolved, let's acknowledge the truth. Some might have not been corporally punished but were not given the attention we needed as children, that is emotional neglect. What our parents kept saying was "I cloth you, buy you stuff you want, feed you and put a roof over your head - what more do you need, why are you such a problem child ( if your behaviour didn't please them or other adults around your vicinity)? Honestly that is not all that children need, those are the physical necessities they need. There is more,

The Dark Side of Shadow Work and Healing

Images by Soberish (online) We often think that healing is this smooth transition and everything is sunshine and roses, but it is not. Healing is hard, it is confronting all your traumas, all the feelings associated with your traumas resurface and you are forced to feel them again as to process them and let them go. It is overwhelming in all senses. As I feel these many emotions all at once, with no skill to handle them, my body grows tired, in pain and weak. I know this is for the greater good in long terms, but my body cannot distinguish that I am not in danger as I am confronting my past pain and current pain, my nervous system is in distress. I have researched how to heal my traumas now that I have identified the wounds from them, honestly it is so overwhelming, the amount of work and effort I have to do in order to balance myself is exhausting. I feel burdened and extremely tired, I neither have the mental and physical energy to attend to it. Whenever I think about the activities

Letter To My Readers and Fans

 Why I have been MIA - Apology letter Image by Freepik Let me start with an apology to all my readers and upcoming fanatics. I love learning, researching and writing so much so that I was compelled to start this blog. I've realised that I am not maintaining it well with new content as my life has been geared towards other priorities like my schooling and health. I know it is not fair of me to pursue your interests and not deliver. I will not make excuses but the recent blog posts I had written for publishing are lost due to hardware malfunction. I am in the process of spiritual growth and I will share my journey with all who are interested. Please do forgive me for my inconsistencies and give me grace for I do struggle with executive dysfunction disorders.  For those who know me personally, you have seen my struggles with my physical and mental health since early childhood. I am diagnosed with a lot! (chuckles...). I have decided as an adult to take responsibility and accountabilit

The extraordinary Power of the Twin Flame

A twin flame is more than a soulmate Twin flames are not soulmates, they are more than that. They are the other half your soul has connected to. It's a soul pairing, it's soul love. According to an author Tanaaz, twin flames come from a single soul that after reaching a higher level of consciousness and frequency split into two energies in order to come back into a physical body - two beings. It is to note that not all people reach this point of splitting.  Soulmates on the other hand are not only the people you are romantically involved with but it can also be platonic like friends, animals, anyone within your soul space, but there's only one twin flame.  A twin flame is you in another body, so alike yet different. Like attracts like, that's why the relationships are incredibly intense.  We reincarnate as human beings with different bodies and genders, yet we still find our twin flames no matter what gender they are. This would prove the reality