The extraordinary Power of the Twin Flame

A twin flame is more than a soulmate

Twin flames are not soulmates, they are more than that. They are the other half your soul has connected to. It's a soul pairing, it's soul love. According to an author Tanaaz, twin flames come from a single soul that after reaching a higher level of consciousness and frequency split into two energies in order to come back into a physical body - two beings. It is to note that not all people reach this point of splitting. 
Soulmates on the other hand are not only the people you are romantically involved with but it can also be platonic like friends, animals, anyone within your soul space, but there's only one twin flame. 

A twin flame is you in another body, so alike yet different. Like attracts like, that's why the relationships are incredibly intense. 

We reincarnate as human beings with different bodies and genders, yet we still find our twin flames no matter what gender they are. This would prove the reality of homosexuality. The soul does not look or care about the body (or gender) but the soul inside it. It does not care about appearance or status, just the soul in that vessel. Hence twin flames transcend timelines. Your twin flame might be in a different timeline as you bit you will always find each other. It's like half your soul lies with them and theirs with you and when you meet they come together and complete each other. 

Written by Lerato Lilly Shihambe, newly awakened activist
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