Letter To My Readers and Fans

 Why I have been MIA - Apology letter

Image by Freepik

Let me start with an apology to all my readers and upcoming fanatics. I love learning, researching and writing so much so that I was compelled to start this blog. I've realised that I am not maintaining it well with new content as my life has been geared towards other priorities like my schooling and health. I know it is not fair of me to pursue your interests and not deliver. I will not make excuses but the recent blog posts I had written for publishing are lost due to hardware malfunction. I am in the process of spiritual growth and I will share my journey with all who are interested. Please do forgive me for my inconsistencies and give me grace for I do struggle with executive dysfunction disorders. 

For those who know me personally, you have seen my struggles with my physical and mental health since early childhood. I am diagnosed with a lot! (chuckles...). I have decided as an adult to take responsibility and accountability for my life and I am working to improve it drastically. A lot of changes I have made are visible to others like my diet (overall physical appearance as a result of set change), and the other changes are in progress that are internal to me like my spiritual and mental health practices. 

As I am growing spiritually, I am seeing the interconnectedness of everything in the world, how the systems work (society, race, religion, hierarchies, gender, etc.), how the self works within the dynamics of the physical and spiritual environment, and the social dynamics of everything too - since we are social beings. For this reason, my current topics will selfishly be on what is currently happening in my life as a learning curve for myself and others who are relating to the content. As a warning to some people, the content will trigger the the need to fight for toxic belief systems and stereotypes, and you might feel the need to fight me, but I challenge you to look within and assess what your inner consciousness is trying to tell you. A lot of us need to wake up to reality. My content will be heavy for the fickle minded and I advice that you allow yourself to be open minded. We are in the age of awakening. I was also once "blind" and now I see thanks to my higher consciousness, ancestors and all that aims to make me a better person.

A small disclaimer: I am not a perfect person, I am still developing into my higher consciousness and I am prone to errors and limiting beliefs. I do not know everything, knowledge is the size of galaxies and I acquire the size of a grain of rice. Please forgive me if I get mistaken, I learn everyday.


Your soul sister,
Lee Lee


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